Anytime a business enterprise, governmental unit or other statutorily relevant organization decides restriping parking lot, it is crucial that they create parking spots that meet ADA Standards for Accessible Design. Those who fail to meet these parkinglot standards run the risk of being found in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Furthermore, entities in the practice of providing various types of goods and services to members of the public are under a continuing duty under the ADA to eliminate accessibility barriers on existing premises when it is feasible to do. Given that the process of restriping parking lot is comparatively cheap, this is something that is easily achievable in the majority of situations.
A useful resource for those looking to establish fully accessible parking spaces can be found in the ADA Design Guide which contains information on the proper number of spaces to create during a restriping.
The material that follows offers tips and guidance concerning accessibility accommodations for parking lots and how best to determine the correct number of spots to create whenever a restriping parking lot project is undertaken.
Compliance in terms of the proper number of accessible parking spaces is something to be calculated on a facility-by-facility basis. It is not acceptable to make calculations based on the total tally of spots at a given site. One out of every allotted accessible parking spaces needs to be designated and designed as van-accessible.
It should be noted that there are distinct accessibility rules for restriping public parking spaces at rehabilitation homes and other publicly accessible facilities, hospital outpatient buildings, physical therapy facilities and residential treatment centers.
Selecting Locations for Parking Lot Restriping
In order to Restripe parking lots, spaces designated as accessible need to be placed on the shortest possible route to the facility’s entrance point. If a building is characterized by numerous accessible entrance points with nearby parking, it is necessary to ensure that accessible spots are distributed among them and also located at the shortest route to each one.
While Restriping parking lots, accessible parking spots be added to an established parking lot or parking structure, they need to be situated on the ground that is the most level and located nearest the accessible entrance point. Accessible routes are mandatory between the parking space the facility entrance. Accessible routes must never have steps or curbs, and they must be no less than three feet in width. A slip-resistant, stable surface is required, and there cannot be a slope along the route greater than 1:12 toward the entrance.
It is permissible for accessible parking spots to be clustered in multiple facilities, but only if equal or greater levels of accessibility result in terms of proximity to the accessible entrance point, the cost of parking and the convenience to the users. Further, entities may cluster van-accessible parking spots in garages onto a single floor. The reason for this is that it may be the only way to provide the necessary vertical clearance of at least 98 inches.
By paying close attention to ADA design standards when planning parking facilities, it is possible to achieve full compliance and mitigate the risk of violations. Our black-top paving specialists are ready to help you out in ADA design standards by our own CASp compliance and inspection services. Contact us for restriping parking lot. Either its about parking lot striping, ada inspection, restriping or even toll-road restriping services; ADA striping is always ready to give best asphalt & road striping services.
Also, see diy parking lot striping.
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